[Colloquium] First-Principles Simulations of 
Ultrafast Phenomena in Materials

Date and Time
Kavli Auditorium in the KITP
Vojtech Vlcek,  UCSB
Vojtech Vlcek, UCSB

Speaker: Vojtech Vlcek,  UCSB

Title: First-Principles Simulations of 
Ultrafast Phenomena in Materials

Abstract:  Ultrafast probes provide a unique window into the dynamics of electronic excitations and the formation of transient states in condensed matter systems. To understand and interpret these phenomena, theoretical and computational tools capturing strong dynamical correlations become indispensable. However, applying such methods to realistic materials out of equilibrium and under external driving faces conceptual and computational barriers.  In this talk, I will address these challenges and introduce novel computational approaches for predictive simulations of non-equilibrium processes in quantum materials. I will illustrate their capabilities through applications to quantum interfaces in low-dimensional systems and models that reveal driven renormalization and the emergence of excited states.